So I figured I would write this post and fess up on the bathroom project. I have to admit it is not yet complete. It has taken me this long just to get to the point where everything (except for a few cosmetic things) is done and the only thing left is to measure for the shower door. I should post some pictures or video…
I also must fess up that I broke the cardinal rule of starting another project before the first is finished. I moved the washer and dryer out into the garage and did the whole thing by myself. The water supply lines were probably the most challenging part of that. The only thing left to do finish that project is change the dryer vent from the rear to the side but I need a part from Home Depot. Again, I should post pictures or video…
On a different note. I miss my wife. She has been in the Netherlands this week and so I have been at home working on these projects as well as my homework. I suppose I have been more focused on the projects than homework, they are just more fun.
Time to go…
what was that about posting a video??????
I’d say it’s time for a new post.
I’d say it’s way over time for a new post…way over time.
we’re closing in on a year since your last post…..
One year tomorrow since last post. I say changes are very good that once Spencer arrives there will be lots of activity here….lots! Will look forward to it.
that was suppose to be “chances are very good……”