Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Meet Kate Johansson

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

Check out Kate with her big brother and sister!

Jake Sophia and Kate

the new newest Johansson

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

So Sam is the newest Johansson to be born…but Nicole and I just got word of another Johansson baby on the way!!! Cool your jets, it’s not ours…Dan and Jen are expecting #3 Feb 26!! how awesome…and so begins the newest round of “so when is it your turn?”

the newest Johansson

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

Meet Sam…the newest nephew

Nana’s dancing with Gus…

Saturday, April 22nd, 2006
Greta Anna Katherin (Dahlstrom) Nelson
May 7, 1914 – April 22, 2006

This is all pretty poor theology I guess but the way I am conceptualizing this in my mind…Nana is in heaven right now dancing on her new legs seeing with her new eyes, Gus and Nana have been waiting for this moment for 17 years (since May 2, 1989).

What I wish I could hear most though is my Jesus saying to Nana well done my good and faithful servant, enter into eternity with me….

I miss my wife

Thursday, March 30th, 2006

It is funny to think that I used to spend a high percentage of the year out of the country.  Now, I doubt I am traveling even 10% of the year and the same with Nicole.  But something has changed, neither of us like travel nearly as much…if it means we are apart.  Like now for instance, Nicole is in Cambodia and I miss her sooo much.  Over the past year we have traveled some, but this time was different.  This time leaving each other at the airport was the worst it has ever been.  Sigh…163 more hours….